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About Me

I am a life and relationship coach with over 25 years of experience in the area of relationships and personal development. I draw on a unique blend of skills gained through advanced forms of coaching utilizing Systems Theory, Process Work, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Emotional Intelligence, Non-violent communication, Mindfulness and Yogic principals. These skills, combined with my life experience, insight and intuition, enable me to help you transform your relationship with yourself and others. I promote self-awareness, self-regulation and peace by helping you detoxify and improve the quality of important, yet difficult relationships. I distill the essence of proven theories and wisdom traditions to make concepts easy to understand and simple to apply in your daily life.

My passion is fueled by my firm belief that anyone can create a happier life, once they know how. My mission is to help you remove your barriers to happiness and become more resilient when facing the challenges of everyday life.


Relationship Coach - Centre for Right Relationship: Creating conscious and intentional relationships.

Authentic Life Coach - The Leadership Circle: Shifting from being reactive to a more creative, balanced life.

Team Coach - Team Coaching International: Designing authentic and collaborative team relationships.

Certified Yoga Teacher - KULA

Adult Education - St Francis Xavier University

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