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Using a compassionate and heart centered approach 

I help adults create conscious and intentional relationships, with themselves and others, in a way they have not yet been able or willing to do. Teaching and coaching what I know and practice, I draw on a broad range of acquired skills, knowledge and wisdom. I offer practical advice together with powerful tools and techniques to address repetitive relationship issues, obstacles and challenges.

Time does not heal all wounds

There is certainly no doubt that our happiness revolves a great deal around our relationships. We are all pulled and pushed by relationships and situations in our lives. They determine our moods, motives and actions. Around the world in homes and offices we experience conflict in varying degrees. Within ourselves we find unhappiness and depression. We are not at peace even with ourselves. Many of us have been through contentious situations with people, perhaps with our parents, siblings, teachers, bosses or peers. All of us have experienced the helplessness of depending on others for our happiness.

My approach has many benefits...

  • A more loving relationship with self and others.

  • Mending of emotional wounds.

  • Ability to operate effectively within family /office dynamics.

  • Better ways to communicate and set boundaries.

  • Skillfully handle difficult conversations.

  • Adjust the ways you relate with the world.

Common concerns

  • How can we ensure that our relationships are a source of happiness and not of tension, grief and rage?

  • How can we ensure our relationships have a positive impact on our health, wellbeing and personal success?

  • How can we retain our balance in challenging situations?

  • How can we be our authentic selves all the time with everyone?

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