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Relationship Skills

As we delve into the study of relationships, we will see how Awareness, Behaviour and Choice are deeply connected to one another and support us on this transformative journey. Ultimately, it’s a continuous process of surfacing facts and impressions, revealing patterns and assumptions, examining actions and behaviors, and affirming or changing the course of action.





Of thoughts, reactions, feelings, needs. Most of the time we are on autopilot, reacting out of habit rather than out of awareness and presence of mind. With mindful inquiry we can let go of old ideas & limited views of what’s needed and what can happen. Awareness helps us to transform old patterns of defensiveness and aggressiveness into compassion and empathy and improve the quality of our experiences.



Listening, speaking and acting aligned to values and intentions. Our language and our use of words are often habitual automatic responses that lead to hurt and pain, for others and ourselves.

To cultivate 'no-harm' we learn to connect to our own needs and feelings, then we are led to express ourselves with honesty and clarity. We must first understand and act empathically towards ourselves in order to impact the world in peaceful and compassionate ways.



Making conscious and intentional decisions, no matter what. Wherever you are and whatever you do you are always making choices. You are always impacting the people and the world around you in either a positive or negative way. By choosing to live mindfully, with the certainty of knowing who you are being, you choose to lead from a place of strength. We all want to be happy. We all want to avoid hurting. While making good choices isn't always easy, you have the power to choose from moment to moment.

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